Raíces by Zumbambico

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Raíces by Zumbambico


2024//60 copies limited edition

Isabel Zuluaga Mesa is a Colombian artist, best known as Zumbambico. She has focused her art on her experience as a woman born and raised in a society where both beauty and behavioral standards are imposed on women on a daily basis. Zumbambico thinks of her work as the possibility of creating her own emancipated territory; a place to break free from external pressures and just be, connected to her body and emotions. She has exhibited her work in Bogotá, Barcelona, Mexico City, Porto, New York, Houston, Rio de Janeiro, and Maastricht, where she had her first solo show Inner Landscapes (2019). She is also author of Un circo debajo del brazo, a children’s book published in 2023.

Isabel Zuluaga Mesa es una artista colombiana, mejor conocida como Zumbambico. La intuición y el proceso-como ritual de liberación-son elementos fundamentales en su obra. Su búsqueda se centra en la expresión de su mundo interno y en la representación de cuerpos libres de las presiones estéticas. Ha participado en exposiciones grupales en: Bogotá, Barcelona, Porto, Ciudad de México, Nueva York y Houston. En 2019, realizó una muestra individual-tulada Inner Landscapes (Paisajes internos) en Maastricht, Holanda y es la autora e ilustradora del cuento infantil Un circo debajo del brazo (2023).

Website: www.zumbambicoarte.com
Instagram: @zumbambico
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zumbambicoarte

All illustra-ons and texts by Zumbambico ©

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