moongazing, ephemerally by Kayleigh Sim

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moongazing, ephemerally by Kayleigh Sim


2022/limited edition 60 copies

Kayleigh Sim is a Southeast Asian writer living in San Diego, California, and is currently an Executive Editor for Polyphony Lit. She loves prose poetry, contrapuntals, haibuns, and burning haibuns. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Interstellar Lit, Clandestine Lit, The Augment Review, Pollux Journal, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, and elsewhere. She is the Aster Lit Starlit Award winner for Fall 2021, and you can read her winning pieces here: Her debut chapbook, "moongazing, ephemerally" explores ancestry and heritage, youth and nostalgia, life and death, and sin and salvation in an ephemeral world. Visit her at

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