AKHEIRON by Rifki Syarani Fachry

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AKHEIRON by Rifki Syarani Fachry


2023//60 copies limited edition

The original book was first published by Public Enemy Books, 2022

Translated from Indonesian by Adib Arkan
Edited by Bardjan

Cover image: digital collage of Masahisa Fukase's photographs created by L. Sadra entitled “Snatching the Masahisa Family” (2023).

Rifki Syarani Fachry, Indonesian anarchist poet, born in Ciamis, West Java, 1994.

Adib Arkan was born in Jakarta, 1997. Works as a daytime speech therapist and a nighttime musician, event organizer, partygoers–or sometimes, when he gets no friends to play or party with, a writer and a translator at weekends. Some of his poetry has previously published on Omong-omong, a local literature publication in Indonesia. "Akheiron" is his first full poetry translation project.

Bardjan, born in Bogor, 29 January. Lives in Jakarta and works as a media worker. Her first poetry book "Ibu Kota/Air Mata" was released in 2022.

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