Abdulazeez Shomade


She sits in affection and laughter-filled, bright coloured comfort and
saunters along the trails of reminiscence back to the harsh days.

Days when she couldn't tell which was heavier— the drops of rain that
drummed the iron sheet roof or the mould of punches that battered her

Days when she couldn't tell which caused more involuntary tears— the
onions she chopped while preparing dinner for her ungrateful ex-husband
or the sadness that teemed in her heart.

Days when she couldn't recognize the difference between a husband and a
tyrant. Probably the definition of husbands is what you see in oppressors.
At least, so she thought.

Now, she smiles at how she's remained the definition of a fierce woman
even in her toughest days. She smiles at how good people make the world
worthy of living. How they bring renaissance to your life. How they make
starting again comfortable. How they make moving on possible without
losing a hair.

Her heart's chock-full with joy. The joy that a true husband is the definition
of a pillar and a comforting partner.